Channel: Katya Elise Henry
Category: Entertainment
Tags: leg workoutleg stretchesfemale fitness motivation 2018female workout motivationinstagramstretchingpush yourselfworkout motivationlegfitness modelfemale fitness motivationfitness motivationroutinekatya elise henrykatyaelisehenryworkoutfitnesskatyalegsfemale fitness modelgymbootyfemale motivationleg day
Description: Make sure you're following me! Instagram: @KatyaEliseHenry Instagram: @Workouts_By_Katya Twitter: @KatyaEliseHenry Snapchat: KatyaHenry To try Blessed plant based protein go to EHPLABS.COM -- 10% off code is KATYA10 WORKOUTSBYKATYA.COM for workout programs, leggings, supplements, meal plans, gym equipment, cute backpacks, hats, helpful blogs, & so much more.